Saturday, February 19, 2011

US Government, bankrupted by ruling elite, likely to be shut down, Pelosi aide says

If a ceiling of a debt, accumulated by exporting industries and heavily investing in Asia, is not raised, US government will shutdown.

Government shutdown is likely, Pelosi aide says - Jonathan Allen -

crazy $1 trillion military budget needs to be cut in half, immediately.

Friday, February 18, 2011

official 911 commission is a joke. a republican government propaganda coverup. 1. they did not address WTC 7 controlled demolition AT ALL, 2.they did

Official republican government 911 commission,...
2. they did not address the smoldering pools of molten steel,
3. the pulverization of towers,
4. the sudden onset of collapse,
5. the close to free fall speed,
6. the where are pancaked floors,
7. the presence of nanothermite on site,
8. the symmetric nature of destruction, in their footprints, of all 3 towers.

9. ======= 911 is a controlled demolition inside operation pretext for wars.

If you believe the...

Friday, February 11, 2011

WTC Nuclear Demolition? not really. Ground explosions were only part of controlled demolition inside job

911 Truth: smoldering hot for month - very interesting. its a fact. explosions, a fact. but "thermo nuclear explosions demolished WTCs"? that i believe is not true, its an error. a fairy tale, if you will. ...

Ground explosions were part of destruction, yes, but that was done by expertly set controlled demolition charges throughout the building. These are proven facts.

SO, Bin Ladin placing nuclear suitcases under the towers? NOT
really. So, it is a wrong conclusion by Chalezov to say - demolition, nuclear, but no inside job.

And Larry might not know practically nothing. This type of top world secret operations, i would not expect NOBODY living to know anything meaningful.

It is the high tech true pro master intelligence security war strategy operation. ..Absolutely top unmatched quality and skill.
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